Buy Now, Pay Later in B2B

In-house Solution or External Provider?

What does it take to run a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) program for your business buyers? And why should you offer it?

Our whitepaper explores the need for BNPL in the business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce space and what is involved in offering this payment solution. Find insights on whether you should go it alone or consult an external BNPL provider.

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Business buyer’s demands and expectations are growing. They require a flexible payment solution to meet their business needs and offering BNPL as a payment method is a way to meet them, while gaining a competitive advantage as a merchant. But how do you go about providing BNPL? 


Why BNPL is necessary in B2B e-commerce and how merchants can drive growth with this untapped opportunity.


What it takes to run a BNPL solution, from cost, to personnel, and multiple contract negotiations with third parties, such as data providers.


How specialized BNPL providers can support merchants maximize the potential of this in demand payment solution to increase revenue.

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